We strive to ensure our customers are satisfied with each purchase, but we understand that sometimes things happen. You can return most unopened, unused products within 7 days of receiving it.
Additional non-returnable items: Gift cards.
You will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable.

Return Process

  1. Email to request a return and we will email you the address to ship the return items.
  2. Once the item is shipped, email your order and tracking number to notify us that you have returned your unopened product within the 7-day time limit.
  3. Upon receiving your package, a fulfillment team member will inspect the return and approve or deny the refund request.
    For items over $75, please consider using a trackable shipping service or purchasing shipping insurance. We cannot guarantee that we will receive any returned items.
  4. A refund for the unopened product will be issued if accepted, and you will receive an email confirmation stating the refund details. Shipping charges are not refundable. Please allow 7-10 days for the refund to post to your bank account statement.
    If you have any questions about whether your product is eligible or regarding our return policy, please feel free to email us at